Sign up for the Pennsylvania State Historic Preservation Office (PA SHPO) Consultants List
PA SHPO maintains this list as a resource for our constituents interested in hiring a professional consultant to assist them with historic preservation projects involving historic research, archaeology, geomorphology, geophysics, architectural history, architectural surveys, historic property research, National Register nominations, state & federal historic tax credit applications, project review, and preservation planning.
Inclusion on this list is available through an open request via this online form. PA SHPO does not request proof of qualifications or professional licensure, and inclusion on this list does not constitute the endorsement of companies or work products by PA SHPO, PHMC, or the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
Please complete this form if you would like your firm to be included on the PA SHPO Consultants List.
Important! All interested consultants are required to fill out this form, regardless of whether or not you are included in the list currently on the PHMC website.